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Kyokushin Karate

Karate develops your character by building your inner strength, practical self defense skills


In our classes, you will explore the intricacies of arm and wrist locks, chokes, and takedowns, gaining the necessary skills for effective self defense. Beyond the physical techniques, Kyokushin Karate works to improve your balance, coordination, flexibility and overall fitness. 


What to Expect:

As you immerse yourself in Kyokushin Karate, expect to experience not only a physical transformation but also psychological benefits. Improved focus, enhanced confidence and a disciplined mindset.  


Getting Started

Book an Introduction Personal Training session with one of our expert trainers. This session will introduce you to the fundamentals,ensuring you feel comfortable as you begin your Kyokushin Karate training. Alternatively, join our Kyokushin karate classes available for all members. 

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